Do not trade for first 15 minutes i.e. upto 10.10 AM.
first 15 minutes of trade is known as OPENING RANGE. (O.R.)
Write down High and Low of Opening Range.
now whenever trades above high or below low of Opening Range then it is known as OPENING RANGE BREAKOUT. (O.R.B.)
If O.R.B. is up then stoploss will be low of ORB for intraday.
same way, If ORB is down then stoploss will be high of ORB for intraday.
--------When call is 'HOLD LONG'
Do not trade for first 15 minutes.
now if OR breaks up then hold your longs keeping low of OR as stoploss for trading upto 3.00 PM.
after 3.00 PM if trading level is above our closing stoploss level then carry forward the long for next day.
If during inraday, low of OR is broken down and you have closed the long for intraday, then re-examine the level after 3.00PM. If trading above our closing stoploss level then re-enter long to carry forward for next day and if trading below our closing stoploss level, then do nothing.
--------When call is 'HOLD SHORT'
If OR breaks up then close your short. Re-examine at 3.00PM. If still trading below our closing stoploss level then re-enter short and carry forward it for next day. and if trading above our closing stoploss then do nothing.
If OR breaks the OR down then hold the short for intraday keeping high of OR as stoploss.after 3.00PM decide as per closing stoploss level.
----------When call is 'INITIATE LONG'
If OR breaks up then initiate long.
If OR breaks down then avoid the call.
---------When call is 'INITIATE SHORT'
If OR breaks up then avoid the call.
If OR breaks down then initiate short.
Do not trade upto 10.10 AM.
From 10.10 AM to 3.00 PM trade with three levels(OR high, OR low, Closing stoploss) and one strategy (Long or Short).
after 3.00 PM trade with one level(Closing stoploss) and one strategy( Long or Short).